
Show Notes

Many business storytellers encourage us to learn from Disney movies and classic epic journey stories. In this light-hearted episode, I suggest that you might do better to take lessons from old-time country-and-western songs.  PBS recently called attention to the universality of this music with an 8-part primetime series, so maybe it's getting more cool. What bears study is the way these songs communicate fairly complex stories, using a shorthand of specific description. 

Many people look down on this genre but it's been played in the US White House and on mainstages all over the world. Like good marketing content, the words resonate with people at an emotional level, transcending national boundaries.

It's a very different kind of episode. Let me know if you like it! If you'd like to learn more about storytelling, I have a free report: 17 ways to use storytelling to grow your business. Download at http://mycopy.info/story17 


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