
Show Notes

Entrepreneurs and small business owners often wonder about the whole storytelling thing. They figure stories just help entertain and captivate your audience. That's true, but stories do a lot more...if you have the right story.

So now you've got a story with lots of the right qualities: a hero,  guide, and a suspenseful plot. How can you assess the business value of the story...will it help grow your business or just bring a few laughs? 

This episode gives you 3 questions you can ask to test your story's value as a profitable marketing partner. The right story will transform your business; the wrong story will drive away your best audience.

You can learn even more about the value of stories to grow your business through my Amazon kindle book - Grow Your Business One Story At A Time. It's free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers.  I also have a free report you can download - 17 surprising ways to use stories for business growth: http://mycopy.info/17ways

Don't forget to leave a rating and a review! Excellent way to build storytelling karma. . 

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