
Show Notes

I get a lot of questions about edgy copy because it’s popular today - for all the wrong reasons. Business owners want content that startles and grabs attention. And there’s a lot of pressure to write like you talk…and make that talk informal...sometimes with words that can get you in trouble with the content filters.

But…is that always a good thing? We want copy that’s bold … but is this the way to stand out?

The answer is "Absolutely yes!" for some businesses...but not for most.

The truth is, the best edgy copy is relatable to your audience. For some businesses, that means using language that would make a sailor (or a Tony Soprano) blush with shame. For others, it might be ultra-feminine language, so sweet it might as well be written in pink. 

This episode shows you how to give your content the edge so you become irresistible to your ideal audience. You sort out your best followers and the others realize, "Hey, this isn't my scene." And that's a good thing. 

Related podcasts: Episode #30.  Apple. Spotify.  FREE download. Discover what *really* motivates your market. Click here.

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