
Show Notes

This podcast looks at 3 ways your website resembles an Easter egg:

(1) Websites, like Easter eggs, rarely last forever.

After working with dozens of business owners to create a compelling, “stand-out” online presence, I’ve discovered that the most constant success factor is a willingness to change. Your website may need change for several reasons - you, your market, your environment and more.

(2) Websites, like Easter eggs, are fun to decorate, so it’s easy to forget what’s under the shell.

(3) Websites, like Easter eggs, can be hidden away and found only during a treasure hunt. Good for eggs. Bad for websites.

On the podcast, you'll discover creative ways to deal with each of these challenges as you create your website.  


Free report to download: http://CathyGoodwin.com/webplan

Critique/review of your website: http://mycopy.info/yourtweak

Copywriting support for your website: http://cathygoodwin.com/writeweb

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