
Show Notes

As marketers - especially copywriters - we're taught to begin a project by asking, "What does the client need?" 

Copywriting training usually includes a list of basic needs, such as "finance" and "love."  

We get copywriting templates that encourage the question, "Are you struggling with..."

But what if you offer a service that's not about struggle? Spa services? Wardrobe consulting? Interior design? Bridal consulting? These business owners often wonder how to promote services that involve pleasure, not pain? It may seem odd to encourage clients to buy something that isn't urgent.

I wondered that, too, when I started copywriting. 

But then I learned it was important to listen to the client's backstory. Often something that seems totally unnecessary - even silly - can fill an important role in the client's life.

That's the subject of today's podcast. 

RESOURCES: FREE - Find the client's backstory. Click here.

Nail your client's motivation to buy (course) - Click here.

Copywriting Basics - a Udemy course - Click here.

Copywriting Review - Click here.

Strategic Intensive consultation - Click here.

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