
Show Notes

We've talked about the hero in your story. We had an episode about the villain. And today we're going to talk about the character nobody mentions: the cheerleader.

You can't be with the hero all the time, no matter how good you are. The cheerleader helps the heroes achieve their goals by just being there.

You as the guide can help the hero find supportive cheerleaders. Sometimes people have to pay for this support, but often that support is available if your client--the hero--knows where to look. Sometimes you show them why it's important.

When you help the hero find a cheerleader, you gain credibility as a guide. You help your heroes solve their problems. 

Would you like to learn more about casting the characters in your selling story? Check out this workbook--a guide to walk you through the process. Cast your characters!

Additional resources: 

Who's your hero's story -- a podcast

Who is the villain of your story - a podcast

How to write a story that sells - a self-paced video course




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