
Show Notes

A recent article in Inc magazine asked this question: What makes you look better?

A story like, "I started with no talent or luck and worked my butt off;" Or, A story like, "I had lots of talent and I got lucky."

Believe it or not, audiences valued luck and talent more. 

This episode raises the question: "When do you tell a story of luck and when do you tell a story of hard work?"

Most people can attribute their success to both. It's all in how you tell your story.

This episode explains...

...3 reasons why an "I got lucky" story will make the storyteller look better than an "I worked I butt off" story 

...why talent and work seem intertwined

....how your story archetype influences your choice of story

Resources mentioned

Original article in Inc Magazine's Morning Report

Podcast episode on emotionally exhausted listeners BusinessInsider Story about Fred Smith and luck 

Free: Find your story archetype

Consultation: Position Yourself With A Story


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