Thursday, May 2, 2024 142 How healers can reach more clients with stories

Calling yourself a "healer" brings special challenges in marketing.  And in some ways, everyone is a healer. We all pay money to relieve our pain. But...

Thursday, April 25, 2024 141 Why your audience can't follow your story

Have you ever told a story -- a brilliant story! -- and your audience just looked at you blankly? They just didn't get it. Or they couldn't relate: th...

Thursday, April 18, 2024 140 Using Stories to Choose Your Niche

“What niche am I supposed to target?” That’s always a popular question when I meet a group of fellow business owners. Even if they’re experienced vete...

Thursday, April 11, 2024 139 How to Use Stories to Teach Without Being Preachy

So you've got something to teach people. You're the only one...or one of the few. But your audience isn't stupid. They know a lot already. Who likes...

Thursday, April 4, 2024 138 The Power of Client Testimonials: Get Them to Tell Stories That Sell

“I have many happy clients. How can I get them to share testimonials?"   That’s what my reader asked me when I was looking for new applications for. t...

Thursday, March 28, 2024 137 Are you telling stories to yourself?

There’s something appealing about telling stories. We all want to talk about what happened to us..especially the bad parts.   But when you're writing ...

Thursday, March 21, 2024 136 The Celebrity Archetype: Are you a fan?

Of the five archetypes I've identified, the Celebrity holds greatest awe and power.  ***If you're new to my community, you can download a free report ...

Thursday, March 14, 2024 135 Why you can be passionate in what you do...but you're not a passionate advocate

As you know, I've got five story archetypes for basic branding for small, service-based businesses. You can learn more about them in my free report he...

Friday, March 8, 2024 134 Pull-the-plug stories: What happens if you quit?

We have lots of stories of celebration, where people talk about their wins. What we need are more stories of pulling the plug.  For example, in this e...

Thursday, February 1, 2024 133 Use storytelling to build a client-attracting About Page: 3 Tips

If you’re a service based solopreneur, entrepreneur or independent professional, your brand is YOU. Your About Page will be critical to your online su...

Thursday, January 25, 2024 132 Business Storytelling: 3 Business Stories You Don't Share With Your Clients

  When we think of business storytelling, most business owners think of stories as a way to relate to clients - and certainly I encourage th...

Friday, January 12, 2024 131 Numbers Make Stories Come Alive (Or Raise Questions About the Storyteller)

Numbers make stories more vivid. When we say, "Apartment 101," you may get a picture in your mind of the door with the number. But there's a downside....