Thursday, January 4, 2024 042 ENCORE: How Storytelling Makes Your Small Business Marketing More Productive in 3 Ways

This week's episode is an encore presentation. It's designed to introduce new audience members to a podcast they may have missed. And it's one of my f...

Thursday, December 21, 2023 130 From “Ordinary” To “Valuable Treasure” With  A Simple Story

  Many service-based entrepreneurs tell me, “My services seem so ordinary! I want to create a sense of excitement among potential clients.” It’s how l...

Thursday, December 14, 2023 129 How your intuition can guide you to tell the best story for your business

“Should I tell this story? I don’t feel comfortable sharing.” Or “I *really* feel I should tell this story, even if it makes me uncomfortable."   If y...

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 128 Position Yourself As An Expert With Your Story Archetype

One of the biggest challenges for a business owner is getting seen as a credible expert in your field…even a thought leader in your industry. Last epi...

Thursday, November 30, 2023 127 How Entrepreneurs Can Leverage Stories to Demonstrate Expertise

What’s the one thing you need to demonstrate in order to be seen as valuable…so you charge higher prices and clients feel lucky to work with you?  In ...

Thursday, November 23, 2023 126 How To Use Storytelling To Make Business Plans That Won't Turn Into Pipe Dreams

“Every year I say I’m going to plan better. And it never happens.” “I make great plans. But I never seem to finish carrying them out.” “I’m a small bu...

Thursday, November 16, 2023 125 The best business storytellers do these 3 things

Almost every business coach on the planet will advise you to start telling stories. They’ll encourage you to use storytelling for your blog posts, ema...

Thursday, November 9, 2023 124 Traveling for the holidays? Take your story with you.

You’re a service-based business and the brand is YOU. So how will you keep growing your business while you’re taking some downtime? For many of us, ho...

Thursday, November 2, 2023 123 How to begin building your online brand when your website isn’t ready

When you meet prospects, live or virtually, they often want to know more about you and your services.  Inevitably, they’ll ask for your website. Resea...

Thursday, October 26, 2023 122 Two ways for business owners to share their journey stories

A content creator posted on social media: When working to improve yourself: Is it better to do it in a public forum and post about progress along the ...

Thursday, October 19, 2023 121 How this business story mistake leads to client confusion

When you introduce yourself as a business owner, do you give yourself a title? Or do you jump right in to explain how you serve clients? Many coaches ...

Thursday, October 12, 2023 120 How To Use Storytelling To Communicate Your Value (And Avoid A Story That Adds To The Confusion)

How to communicate your value by telling a story. Stories make it possible to communicate your value without coming across as boastful, obnoxious or u...