Thursday, August 17, 2023 112 How A Story Can Traumatize Your Audience (With Life Coach Nicole Lewis-Keeber)

        Stories, by definition, evoke emotions. Strong stories encourage your audience to see themselves in your story.  But what does your audience e...

Thursday, August 10, 2023 111 Promoting a Service That Seems Frivolous and Unnecessary

As marketers - especially copywriters - we're taught to begin a project by asking, "What does the client need?"  Copywriting training usually includes...

Thursday, August 3, 2023 110 Tired of getting unmotivated clients who won't do the work? Tell the right story.

If you're a coach. consultant, lawyer, accountant or other service professional, you know you're successful when your clients succeed.  That means the...

Friday, July 28, 2023 109 Small business marketing:Clients confused about what you offer? Do this.

Here's something I see often. You're trying to explain a service to your clients. They don't get it. tell them more about you. Your "why." Yo...

Thursday, July 20, 2023 108 How To Get Credibility When You Can't Get Testimonials

If you're an entrepreneur or small service-based business, what are clients concerned about before they sign up? "Can we trust you?" is  Testimonials ...

Saturday, July 15, 2023 107 How To Grow Your List With Targeted, Enthusiastic Prospects

If you’re marketing online, you probably know, “The money is in the list.”  To grow your list in today’s market, you almost always need to offer your ...

Saturday, July 1, 2023 106 What makes a story memorable (and maybe viral) instead of forgettable (and maybe embarrassing)?

What makes a story grab your audience’s attention? With all the stories going around, it’s hard to make a story stand out. Just opening my email today...

Saturday, July 1, 2023 105 What are your clients ready to hear? Look in their backstories.

You're writing copy to target your ideal clients. But they may not be ready to hear you. They may not know they have a problem; they may not be ready ...

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 104 Ready to pivot your business? Don't make these 3 mistakes.

You know you need a change. A new direction in business...maybe a whole new business. A new career. A major move from corporate to entrepreneurship. Y...

Saturday, June 17, 2023 103 How to decide if the story you love will boost your business

Business storytelling is just one more tool in your marketing bag. But sometimes it's harder to be objective about storytelling decisions than about o...

Sunday, June 4, 2023 102 How To Make Profitable Connections on LinkedIn With A Story That Connects

Does someone want to connect with you on LinkedIn? Do you get messages like these: “It looks like you’re doing some pretty amazing things with storyt...

Sunday, May 28, 2023 101 How Questioning That Story Will Lead To Better Business Decisions: The Case of Retirement

Business decisions and career decisions will be influenced by the way you tell a story. When you tell an old story because "everyone knows this" you m...